The Two Major Reasons Why America Will Burn
by Dave Hodges
09 Nov, 2015
In the 1960’s, America was nearly torn apart by the younger generation’s refusal to accept the lies being perpetrated by its government with regard to supporting the immoral Vietnam War. If these “hippies” had taken the moral highground with regard to personal behavior and morality, they very well would have toppled the two administration that perpetrated and maintained the war. But when your battle cry “Hell no, we won’t go”, is accompanied by the mantra of “drugs, sex and rock and roll”, the legitmacy of the message becomes obscured. However, at that generation had the intestinal fortitude to take to the streets. In the face of dire danger today, this generation of Americans takes to its electronic devices.
Last night, while appearing as a guest on the Hagmann and Hagmann report, Doug Hagmann asked me why Americans are so dumbed down that we cannot even mount the slightest bit of resistance to the tyranny that is engulfing this country. The superficial response is simple, America has acquiesced to its fate. In addition, as Steve Quayle put it on my show this past Sunday night, Attorney General “Loretta Lynch(mob)” stated that she would prosecute to the fullest extent of the law any person speaking against Islam and Muslims in general. This misguided statement was made immediately on the heels of the San Bernardino massacre which was inspired by ISIS. Lynch(mob’s) insensitivity toward the 14 people who just lost their lives at the hands of terrorists is symbolic about this administration views its citizens in general. In the 1960’s, our counterculture friends would have already been in the streets. Today……crickets chirping. Why? Doug Hagmann asked me why and I responded with an explanation of Dr. Martin Seligman’s psychological construct known as learned helplessness. I was partially right, however, the main reason America is dead on arrival is because we do not fear God.
My most sincere apologies to the audience of The Hagmann and Hagmann Report for having a mental lapse. I should have stated that the main reason that America is going to burn is because we have turned away from our God. The second reason America is doomed is because our people have permitted themselves to be rendered psychologically useless through the process of learned helplessness.
America is Spiritually Bankrupt
The Rest…HERE