79 percent of evangelicals believe ‘violence across the Middle East is a sign that the end times are nearer’
By Michael Snyder
December 8th, 2015
Is the return of Jesus Christ getting closer? According to a survey conducted by the Brookings Institute’s Center for Middle East Policy entitled “American Attitudes Toward The Middle East And Israel“, 79 percent of all evangelical Christians in America believe that “the unfolding violence across the Middle East is a sign that the end times are nearer”. In addition, the survey also discovered that evangelical Christians are also far more likely to be pro-Israel than the population as a whole, and most of them believe that Israel will control more territory than it currently possesses before Jesus comes back. Many “secular” Americans may find this strange, but evangelical Christians really do view everything that is going on in the Middle East through the lens of Bible prophecy. The vast majority of evangelicals truly believe that Jesus is actually coming back to our world, and most of them are fully convinced that Israel is going to play a leading role in the events of the last days.
Before I get to more of the survey results, I should disclose that I am a pro-Israel evangelical Christian that believes that the return of Jesus Christ will happen within my lifetime. So this survey was very interested in finding out what people like me think. With that in mind, here are more of the findings with my comments in italics after each point…
-Benjamin Netanyahu (16 percent) is the world leader that evangelicals admire most, followed by Ronald Reagan (11 percent) and Barack Obama (10 percent).
Comments: It should be no surprise that many evangelicals admire Benjamin Netanyahu more than any U.S. politician. But how did Barack Obama get 10 percent? Have 10 percent of all evangelical Christians in America gone completely insane?
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