Last Warnings America false flag end of 2015 then dollar collapse will follow 100% it will happen.
by AMY S.
DECEMBER 4, 2015
Stock market crashes in one day. whats going on with China? People are panicking and what can we do? Was this predicted? Is this the road to doomsday?
If you don’t think economic collapse is coming and coming soon. When economic collapse finally hits, and it will, more than 50 percent of Americans will be completely wiped out in just a few weeks. And then what do you think will happen.
Via (
An economic collapse today would be far different from the Great Depression. This one will be uniquely dangerous and likely violent. The morals and conditioning of people today are far far different from 80 years ago. Back then a great percentage of people knew how to take care of themselves. There were LOTS of farmers (for example). Not today though. Today we have a huge dependent class, and we have a failing middle class who are very over-extended. Today we have a vast system of ‘just in time’ production and delivery which nearly all people alive in the modern world depend upon for their existence. All of this only works in an economy that has not collapsed. When it does (collapse), there will be great displacement.
The title, “Will YOU Become Homeless After The Economic Collapse”, is meant to be a wake up call to evaluate your own economic and financial situation. If you believe that you would be at risk to becoming homeless, you might want to consider mitigating that risk somehow. Perhaps shed some of your expenses or consider a lifestyle change of less consumption (of non-necessary goods and services for example). Find a way (somehow) to build a cushion of emergency cash. The point is – to at least think about it – which is the first step prior to a plan and action…
So what are the 5 signs we are heading for economic collapse or economic doomsday like the world has never seen?
The Rest…HERE