ISIS is ‘planning to target Britain within WEEKS’: European spy agencies have intercepted intelligence of a Paris-style attack, terror expert warns
ISIS has identified the UK as their next target, security expert has warned
He said European security chiefs have ‘specific information’ about plans
British jihadists in Syria are being sent home to carry out attacks, he added
Some 800 Britons have fled to join ISIS and up to half are back in the UK
By Stephanie Linning
4 December 2015
ISIS fanatics have identified the UK as their next target, a security expert has warned.
British-born jihadists who have travelled to Syria to join the extremist group have been tasked with returning home to carry out a Paris-style terror attack within weeks, it was claimed.
European security agencies have reportedly obtained ‘specific intelligence’ that Britain is next on the ISIS hit list, with the risk heightened in the wake of the Commons vote which saw a majority of MPs back airstrikes on the terrorists’ strongholds in Syria.
In a chilling warning, CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank said he had spoken to an unnamed ‘senior European counter-terrorism official’ who received intelligence that ISIS is ‘aiming to hit the United Kingdom next’.
He said: ‘The intelligence suggests that British ISIS operatives in Syria and Iraq are being tasked to return to the UK to launch an attack against the United Kingdom.
He added: ‘They are treating this very, very seriously indeed’ but said ‘it is not clear how imminent this threat is’.
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