No, There Have Not Been 355 Mass Shootings This Year
Steve Watson
December 3, 2015
Following the shooting in San Bernardino, California yesterday, several mainstream media sites have claimed that it constitutes the 355th mass shooting this year.
No, it doesn’t.
The figure was unquestioningly repeated by The New York Times, the Washington Post,Boston Globe, CBS News, MSNBC, and Newsday, despite the fact that it is inaccurate and does not in any way dovetail with FBI statistics.
Television newscasts also repeatedly cited the figure without checking the facts.
The origin of the figure is even more ridiculous, given that it was culled from a claim by a group of anti-Second Amendment “activists” on the news sharing website Reddit.
The group, named “Guns Are Cool,” (an attempted ironic name) runs a “subreddit” page which it describes as “the world’s only crowd sourced mass shooting tracker, as featured on the Huffington Post, the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the Young Turks, the FX Network’s ‘Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell’ and more!”
The trouble is, that it’s figures are totally out of whack with official stats.
According to the FBI, only 21 of the 355 shootings identified by the anti-gunners can actually be categorized as mass murder with a firearm.
It is still too many, but it isn’t any where close to 355.
An FBI report released last year details that over a thirteen year period, between 2000 and 2013, there were 160 “active shooter incidents.”
The Rest…HERE