The NSA Says They Stopped Spying On You This Week…But Declassified Documents Say They Are Lying
By John Vibes
DECEMBER 1, 2015
This week, the NSA said that they would end the program that collected bulk data on American citizens communications, but it is unlikely that the agency has shut down their spy operations entirely. The NSA has promised to comply with “the USA Freedom Act,” a piece of legislation that demanded the agency halt its spying operations on innocent people. However, there is still a massive spying apparatus that the NSA and various other US government agencies like the CIA have at their disposal.
According to a recent statement from the Office Of The Director Of National Intelligence:
Beginning Sunday, November 29, the government is prohibited from collecting telephone metadata records in bulk under Section 215, including of both U.S. and non-U.S. persons. And, while under the prior program NSA collected metadata in bulk and sought court approval for individual queries, the USA FREEDOM Act requires that the government must now base any application for telephone metadata records under FISA on a “specific selection term”—a term that specifically identifies a person, account, address, or personal device in a way that limits the scope of information sought to the greatest extent reasonably practicable. This further ensures that collection of information for intelligence purposes is appropriately focused and targeted, and is limited to information that telephone service providers have historically used for their internal billing and operational needs. Moreover, under the Act, the Government will report annually to Congress and to the public, among other things, the total number or orders issued under this authority and the number of targets of such orders.
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