Propaganda And The Coming Shock Waves
November 30, 2015
With part of Europe continuing to remain on lockdown, today King World News is featuring a powerful interview with one of the greats in the business that warns about the endless propaganda being used to deceived the public as well the coming shock waves.
King World News note: KWN was taken offline for lengthy periods of time shortly after the Dr. Paul Craig Roberts audio interview was released. A powerful entity did not want the contents of his interview to be heard across the globe.
James Turk: “There are two central bank meetings over the next few weeks, Eric, that need to be watched closely. The ECB meets this Thursday, and then the Fed has its long-awaited meeting on December 15-16…
James Turk continues: “It is generally accepted that these two central banks are headed in opposite directions. One is easing by lowering interest rates, and the other is supposedly ready to start raising rates.
The ECB on Thursday is poised to make euro interest rates even more negative as well as possibly announce more quantitive easing. Economic activity in Europe continues in the doldrums, with more bad news than good.
Even though the ECB’s monetary experiment with negative interest rates is not working as can be seen from economic activity that remains subdued, the ECB thinks more of the same medicine will do the trick. But the medicine is killing, not helping, the patient because intervention by central planners is always disruptive to the free-market process.
Coming Shock Waves
The Rest…HERE