From The Editor:12/1/2015…Good Grief…Front Page Full…And Thank You!
Hi Troops!
Pulling Hair Out!! 7 reboots today and Now keyboard screwed up!! GRRRRR…
Typing this from a friends computer…
Front Page Full…Go to Older Entries at the bottom of the page.
My Bubble Gum and Bailing Wire not working on laptop.
Thanks To Robert from N.Carolina for his $25 donation!!
Thank You!
Still waiting for a couple of snailmails to arrive.
Your Help Needed!
Don’t use PayPal?
E-mail me at for my address.
Help RevolutionRadio Stay up!
Going to make a couple of bucks helping a friend on a flip house this afternoon.
Be Back This Evening.
God Bless and Thanks To Those That Have Helped!!