Satanic Cult Used Profits From Baphomet Statue Unveiling To Fight Anti-Abortion Efforts

Thursday, July 30, 2015
By Paul Martin

Why wouldn’t they support child sacrifice?

Steve Watson
July 30, 2015

A New York based Devil obsessed cult, known as The Satanic Temple, used funds from a recent PR driven Baphomet statue unveiling in Detroit to fund an effort to undermine legal moves to ban abortion after 20-weeks, as well as other anti-abortion legislation.

Breitbart reports that a Temple spokeswoman told reporters that proceeds from $25 and $75 tickets to the event, billed as the “largest public satanic ceremony in history,” will be used to “support the reproductive rights legal action fund.”

The Temple also has an Indiegogo donation page setup which it says serves “to challenge arbitrary, insulting abortion regulations,” The campaign has already raised more than $32,000.

The Temple, supports on-demand abortion, and vehemently opposes all anti-abortion proposals, including the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which requires the physician to first determine the probable post-fertilization age of the unborn child before performing an abortion, and would ban abortions after 20 weeks except in cases where the woman’s life is in danger, or where rape, incest has led to the pregnancy.

The cult, which clearly aligns itself with The Devil, even though they claim not to believe he really exists, has a questionable statement on it’s website suggesting that the reason they support abortion is to do with “personal choice” and “Women’s Rights”.

The Rest…HERE

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