100 years of patents reveal secret history of U.S. weather control programs

Thursday, July 30, 2015
By Paul Martin

by: J. D. Heyes
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Have the U.S. government and American researchers been toying with the notion of controlling, changing or otherwise adapting the weather? According to this comprehensive and exhaustive list of patents, the answer is yes.

In fact, researchers have spent the past century working to develop climate and weather control technologies. But a 1999 study by the U.S. Air Force nailed it: Within three decades, the report’s authors concluded, the United States military should have perfected methods to control weather.

As reported at the time by WorldNetDaily, the Air Force study titled, “Weather as A Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather In 2025,” which was commissioned by then-Air Force Chief of Staff Michael Ryan and first presented in 1996, authors predicted that the technology was within reach.

As noted by WND:

Military planners have often bemoaned the fact that during critical operations weather has been a mitigating factor. Though the U.S. military is generally considered superior to the forces of other nations and can wage war in most kinds of weather, Air Force operations traditionally have suffered the most from inclement weather like rain, fog, and other low-visibility conditions.

The Rest…HERE

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