Will You Survive the Coming Collapse?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
By Paul Martin

By: Tom Chatham

There is no shortage of dangers in the world today. It seems every day something else appears from out of the blue and adds to the pile of potential problems we have to deal with. Some of these problems are covered over or ignored all together.

They are hidden in the shadows to prevent people from protecting themselves from the dangers.

The whole premise of hiding these dangers is that when someone loses in the future, someone else will profit from it. In our case, when many people lose, a few will profit massively. That is how the system has been set up. The people have been set up and the time is near when the plug will be pulled and chaos will be the order of the day.

When that day comes many of the seemingly unconnected problems we face will coalesce into a massive problem few will understand or be equipped to deal with, and that is the hope of some. Here are some of the problems that will come together in the future and spell disaster for many.

>We are told that the collapse is just around the corner. Have you prepared?
Will you stand up to the occasion or
curl up in a fetal postion?

Tom Chatham of Project Chesapeake, describes the minefield of situations we are facing, soon to multiply and become exponentially worse. Yet here we are today:

Drought conditions in the western U.S are going into their fourth year with no change expected in the near future. This is causing a water shortage that could leave many western cities with little or no water in the near future, forcing mass relocations if it continues for another year.

Drought conditions in California are destroying a large percentage of the produce this nation relies on for food and jobs.

The federal government continues to lie about the economic numbers in hopes they will change soon for the better or at the very least nobody will notice they are unemployed and broke.

Current estimates are that over 101 million working age people are unemployed in the U.S today. The U.S. is a consumer driven economy and the destruction of the middle class means things will not get better until more people have jobs and money to spend. People will not have more jobs until the economy gets better. We are now in a catch 22 situation.

The FED cannot raise rates without exploding trillions in derivatives and keeping them low will result in a loss of confidence at some point in the near future. The only thing they can do is print more money and hope things get better, somehow.

The Rest…HERE

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