University Professor Says Ebola is a Genetically Modified, Lab-Made Virus

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
By Paul Martin

Christina Sarich
July 28, 2015

In a recently released report titled “Estimating Ebola Treatment Needs, United States,” the CDC is still playing down its latest round of fear-mongering for the virus which was “meant to infect every man, woman, and child in the US.” To date, and by their own admission there have been only 10 cases in the entire U.S.

How disappointing for the makers of the Ebola vaccine. Especially when publications like the Liberian Observer, in a piece by Dr. Cyril Broderick, expose how its “likely manufactured by Big Pharma.”

Dr. Cyril Broderick is a former professor of plant pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry, and is on tenure as an associate at Delaware University.

Broderick claims that the Ebola virus which recently ran rampant in Western Africa was genetically modified, made in a lab by Western pharmaceutical companies, and administered to unsuspecting civilians through United Nations vaccination programs. The Washington Post called it a wild conspiracy theory, but is there actually truth to these shocking allegations?

The Rest…HERE

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