Transhumanist Candidate Wants “Brain Implants to Manage Violent Actions of Prisoners”… And Society

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
By Paul Martin

Mac Slavo
July 27th, 2015

Maybe the solution to all crime is more surveillance and direct control over the minds of all prisoners, anyone marked with violent tendencies and ultimately everyone in society.

That’s what one futurist is proposing, as he runs on a political platform based around psycho-physical state control over mind and body.

Zoltan Istvan, presidential candidate for the Transhumanist Party, thinks that prisoners would be better motivated to obey the law if the death penalty were abolished, and it be replaced by implanting a surveillance brain chip that notify the law and can even deploy a “tranquiliser triggered to block violent behavior.”

Of course, once it becomes legal to control the brains of one sector of society (convicted criminals), the rest of society may follow, each with their own rationales and justifications that make using spy chips inside the brain somehow acceptable.

It is a scenario ripped straight from the plot of A Clockwork Orange, where the ethics and finer points of behaviorism are put into practice as prison-reform-via-mind-control, in turn packaged neatly for political debates and electioneering. According to the International Business Times:

Brain implants able to manage out-of-control tempers and violent actions of prisons were suggested to minimise crime rates in the United States and as alternative for death penalty, according to Zoltan Istvan. The futurist and presidential candidate for the Transhumanist Party, Istvan suggested that the technology could be a near-term alternative for criminals on death row and might be considered sufficient punishment.

“Violent crime is a version of mental disease,” Istvan stated in an article published in Motherboard, suggesting conducting brain alterations to prisoners could change behaviour and attitudes of criminals into decent members of society. The brain implants would work as a surveillance device that could monitor or possibly control each action of the prisoner with a tranquiliser triggered if violent behaviour is reported or attempted by the inmate.

But, of course, the story isn’t limited to just murderers and the worst violent offenders with career prison sentences.

You knew that.

The full solution proposed here would come only at the hand of further deep-seated government control over the entire population.

Of course. Why not?

The Rest…HERE

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