EPA looks the other way as toxic corporate chemicals enter the U.S. from other countries
by: J. D. Heyes
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Recent surveys asking Americans to rate Congress and the U.S. government in general have revealed that few of us have any faith whatsoever in our ruling class, and yet there is little concerted effort among the masses to change our political dynamic.
Election after election, Americans continue to re-elect the very same representatives and senators we claim to despise and distrust. In the 2014 elections, despite Congress having an 11 percent approval rating, an astounding 96 percent of incumbents were re-elected.
So it’s no wonder American government is as unresponsive and inefficient as it is: While many complain about it, few actually work to get things changed (if the incumbent re-election rate is any indication) and that means that lawmakers will be unresponsive too.
That helps explain why most federal agencies are simply bloated, inept and ineffective money pits, like the Environmental Protection Agency.
As President Obama attempts to use the EPA to damage the power industry and decrease employment, the agency is failing at one of its core missions: environmental protection.
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