California Total thought control: California Democrats introduce bill to ban ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ as ‘outdated and biased’
by: J. D. Heyes
Saturday, July 25, 2015
The progressive Left has been unleashed on the American public over the course of Barack Obama’s tenure. Obama is unquestionably the most left-wing activist president the country has ever seen, and the Left is on a mission to redefine as much of American traditional and cultural norms and mores as possible. They see the Obama era as the best chance they’ve had in decades, perhaps ever, to advance an agenda they’ve long dreamt about.
The most recent example in this war on American traditions took place in California, a state that the left-wing extremist Democrats have controlled for decades. Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed legislation removing the words “husband” and “wife” from state law.
As reported by Fox News:
The terms will be replaced with “spouse” to accommodate same-sex marriage, which became legal in the state last year after the Supreme Court struck down a voter-approved ban on it.
SB1306, the bill signed Monday by Brown, takes effect Jan. 1 and reflects the legality of gay marriage after a decade of litigation. The law also removes limits on recognizing same-sex marriages performed out of state.
This change comes after 61 percent of Californians in 2000 favored a statewide amendment to define marriage as that between a man and a woman, though that was struck down in 2008 as unconstitutional by the California Supreme Court.
What religious liberty?
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