$1.99 per pound Filet Mignon …and War!…” We are already in WW III. It is because of and being waged in financial assets.”

Saturday, July 25, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Bill Holter
Friday, 24 July 2015

After planning to take this week off for a little rest, market gyrations have changed the plan. Initially next week I was going to pen a piece titled “Truth, Justice and no longer the American way”. This will now wait a bit.

This past Sunday night and Monday’s action in gold needs to be discussed of what I believe is now a rapidly moving big picture. $2.7 billion worth of gold futures were sold in just 2 minutes Sunday night. As I have asked before, “who” could possibly “own” this much gold other than an official source? The answer of course is nearly no one other than a very small handful of ETF’s. In perspective, $2.7 billion worth of gold is roughly 3% of global production. Said differently, it amounts to nearly 10 days worth of labor and production worldwide… sold in less than two minutes!

Next, assuming there really is an entity that owns this much gold, “who” in their right mind would sell it in this fashion? Who would sell so much and so rapidly concentrated in time as to knock the price down $50? What trader would still have a job the following day if their own sale created a drop of four percent in the proceeds received? Traders today fight over one thousandth of a percent, are we to believe a trader was willing to give up 4%? Was this trader so “scared” that gold was going to drop Monday that he just “had to get out”? No, it is obvious to even the most disingenuous, this was purely an “operation”, one meant to depress the price of gold at any cost. In perspective, this trader by not spacing out the trade cost his “firm” $40 million if you only use the midpoint of the trade. Will this be reflected in his year end bonus (sarcasm)? As of today, finally, the hunt is on as to “whodunit”???

In my opinion they may need to look to only two sources though only one is necessary. In every trade there are two sides, the buyer and the seller. Have you ever wondered “who” the buyer is in the middle of the night to such large sales? What if it is principally only two houses who trade back and forth with each other and then flatten out over the course of the next few days? In essence, if this is the case there is not really any risk because they would always be “flat” between each other. I don’t know if we will ever find out “whodunit”. This is certainly a possible scenario and one in a world where the rule of law has been revoked …certainly feasible.

The Rest…HERE

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