NSA Sponsoring Summer Camps for Future Cybersnoops

Friday, July 24, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Michael Tennant
Wednesday, 22 July 2015

“We try to start at an early age, quite frankly, to identify who might be interested, who might have the kind of skills and knowledge that would help us,” National Security Agency (NSA) director Admiral Michael Rogers told Augusta, Georgia, television station WFXG.

He wasn’t kidding. The NSA, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation, is now in the business of running summer camps across the nation to teach kids as young as the eighth grade how to hack computers, intercept wireless communications, and fly drones — in other words, to do all the things the NSA is illegally, or at least unethically, doing — the better to prepare them for careers in the surveillance state.

The program, called GenCyber, is in its second year and is booming. Last year there were just six summer camps; this year there are 43, with about 1,400 students, at a cost to taxpayers of roughly $4 million. The NSA would like to have 200 camps across all 50 states by 2020.

The Rest…HERE

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