Don’t Blame All Muslims for Chattanooga, But Blame All Conservatives For Theater Shooting

Friday, July 24, 2015
By Paul Martin

The left sharpens its claws for gun control

Paul Joseph Watson
July 24, 2015

Now that the Lafayette theater shooter has been identified as a white male who supported the Tea Party, it’s going to be open season on conservatives.

Every time a Muslim goes on a killing spree, the left asserts that any attempt to blame violent passages in the Koran or to ask Muslims to take collective responsibility is racist.

Fair enough, but that same standard is never applied when a tragedy can be exploited to impugn conservatives and the Second Amendment before the bodies are even cold.

It has now been established that 59-year-old John Russell Houser was a conservative radio guest who also had a profile on the Tea Party Nation website.

Houser also left racist comments on a different website, including one where he remarked, “The more hard working people with family values we have, the better.What we need to worry about is those who WILL NOT WORK and have no concept of family. They may largely be identified by race also.”

In the aftermath of the Boston bombings, prominent leftist news outlets like insisted that Muslims shouldn’t apologize for the bloodshed. That same courtesy wasn’t extended to whites after the Charleston shooting. According to Salon, white America had to collectively “answer” for the massacre.

The Rest…HERE

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