The Collapse Of The U.S. Retirement Market & Epic Rise In The Price Of Gold
July 21, 2015
The once great U.S. Empire is now in big trouble. Cracks are beginning to appear in the once great American Dream as the country’s economic and financial systems are on the verge of an epic collapse. Unfortunately, its citizens will be the last to know as they have totally lost the ability to distinguish between “Illusionary” and “Real” wealth.
With the recent take-down in the price of gold, many precious metals investors have become worried once again that they may have invested in a DEADBEAT ASSET. And of course analysts from member banks are now too eager to present charts showing the price of gold only has one way to go… much lower.
Sometimes I wonder how these bank analysts sleep at night realizing they sacrificed their profession in order to dish out worthless propaganda. Well, maybe they just don’t have an option or they will turn out like the poor 30,000 slobs that are going to be laid off at Barclays over the next two years.
Now, if we estimate the average salary of a Barclays employee (found here) of $70,000 a year and multiply it by 30,000 workers, the CEO will have an extra $2.1 billion to pass around to upper management as bonuses. Nothing like living off the fat of the people. Let this be a warning….. the end of Fiat Monetary Finance is coming. Times are ah-changing.
The Great U.S. Retirement Ponzi Market
The Rest…HERE