No Silver Shortage, Huh? …Now QSB Suspends Sales As DEMAND Crushes Supply
July 18th, 2015
Several SGT report readers alerted us to this one: Quality Silver Bullion announced this weekend that at least for the immediate future, they are no longer taking any new orders for PHYSICAL silver or gold. In a market where properly hedged precious metals dealers care not about that daily price fluctuations in precious metals, profiting only from the thin markup above spot plus cost premium, this is an interesting development. Because no matter how well any company hedges against price fluctuations, how does one sell product one does not have?
As Bill Holter, Rob Kirby, Eric Dubin, Andy Hoffman, The Doc, Bix Weir, The Wealth Watchman and Chris Duane have told us in numerous interviews, thanks to the endless paper silver supplied by the criminal banking cartel led by JP Morgan, Citi and HSBC, the price of silver is likely to go lower and lower until there is NO PHYSICAL SUPPLY available at ANYTHING CLOSE TO THE BANKSTER MANIPULATED PAPER PRICE. We’re not there yet, but we may be getting close.
The Rest…HERE