You Should Leave America, but Can You? This Is a Must Read
by Dave Hodges
18 July, 2015
It is time to leave America? Is it possible to leave the country and leave with your assets in tow? And where would you go?
There are many indicators that tell us that we have totally lost our country. Nowhere is this more evident than it is with what our media is choosing to glorify and so many of our young people are choosing to emulate the trash that the media is putting out.
We Live In a Country That Glorifies What It Used to Call Perversion
You now live in a country where nearly every vaccine contains aborted fetal cell products. Cecile Richards (i.e. the modern day Dr. Mengele, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, defended the organization’s practices of selling aborted fetal body parts. Why isn’t this monster in prison?
The Rest…HERE