Warning Goes Out ‘It Has Only Just Begun’ As Louisiana Arms National Guard And America Is Completely Infiltrated

Saturday, July 18, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Stefan Stanford
All News Pipeline
July 18, 2015

In the wake of the horrifying ISIS-linked massacre of 4 US Marines in Tennessee in a gun-free zone, we’ve learned this morning that Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has issued an executive order authorizing the Louisiana National Guard to arm their Guardsmen, thus preserving the lives, security and property of themselves and others at their military facilities. We also learn that according to one ex-CIA insider, “ISIS inspired attacks are the wave of the future.”

In the 1st video below, Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson take a look at the Chattanooga, Tennessee shootings where we’ve sadly found out this morning that a 5th service member has been killed. Jones and Watson ask why Barack Obama and the mainstream media are ignoring the fact that the shooting was tied to ISIS. In the 2nd video below we hear from Hawk who talks about the events of grey terror that are happening across America and warns that what we are witnessing has only just begun.

In this story on Shoebat.com we learn that the shooter in Tennessee really had a different name and is now a confirmed Palestinian terrorist who visited ISIS-infested communities while traveling in the Middle East. While authorities are still officially saying that there was no ISIS tie to this shooting, what we learn from Shoebat is quite different. Telling us that the shooter’s real name is Mohammad Youssuf Saeed Al-Hajjaj, we also learn that it’s quite common for those engaged in terrorist activities to change their names.

As was recently reported on ANP, our govt is allowing the importation of terrorists into America, potentially by the hundreds of thousands, and as we learn in this 2nd story from Shoebat, it’s now been revealed that a major ISIS-style mess has infiltrated the United States.

With obvious acts of grey terror taking place now across America such as the cut fiber optic lines in California and planned power outages as Jade Helm 15 began, how long will it be until Hawk’s warnings in the 2nd video come true? As the infographic below clearly proves, America has ALREADY been completely infiltrated. We pray for the safety of all Americans, particularly the men and women in uniform who serve our nation selflessly.

The Rest…HERE

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