Gold And Silver – Without Either, You Will Be Greeced….”Pay attention. We have said this before: the elites and their bankers take no prisoners.”
Saturday 18 July 2015
Step back for a moment and absorb what just transpired in the ongoing Greek tragedy that refuses to go away. Greece, with no possibility of ever repaying its fictitious debts to the EU, and the EU, in all of its greed and avarice, for no wisdom is to be found within that body of elite-pushing bureaucrats, it determined that the best and ONLY solution for debt-laden Greece was to LOAN MORE “MONEY.”
Need anything more be said about what is going on in European politics?
In the real world, if you cannot repay your debt[s], your car is repossessed, your house undergoes foreclosure, you cannot get credit, your credit cards get canceled, your debt-
burdened ass is hauled into court, often times, your family falls apart, etc, etc, etc. Not
so for Greece. She gets offered even more debt from her creditors. Only in politics.
We covered this ground before: Greece was loaned nothing of value. Nothing. Just fictitious digitalized numbers created at the whims [actually the purposeful direction of the elite’s bankers] of the IMF/EU, [off by one letter, the “E” should have been an “F” to more accurately describe what happens to the populations of member countries]. [See 17th paragraph from article Elite NWO Checkmate.] Now the bankers want to be repaid in tangibles, like the country of Greece itself, the Greek banks, and whatever else can be siphoned from the economically broken backs of the innocent Greek people.
Where will the billions of new loaned money to Greece go? Not to the people, not to rebuilding Greece. It will be recycled back to the creditors to keep the facade of bank solvency alive. This is a joke that is not laughable.
Lend nothing, take back everything not nailed down. It has been the Rothschild formula for centuries.
Pay attention. We have said this before: the elites and their bankers take no prisoners. They could care less about people. All the elites care about is taking total control of the currencies of every country in order to bring that country to its financial knees and totally beholding to the dictates of the moneychangers.
The obvious, unstated and perhaps unnoticed point is the the Euro currency is a total fiat totally controlled by the bankers. Hello, Europe?! The sole purpose of the EU is to enslave all Europeans. Is everyone oblivious to the obvious?
All politicians are lying whores, with apologies to whores for making the connection.
Tsipras just sold out the Greek people to a deal worse than the one initially presented months ago, and more importantly, against the referendum held to vote no for the EU’s [mostly elite sell-out Merkel and Germany] austerity program.
The Rest…HERE