Marshall Swing: Global Economic Crash is COMING, and There is Nothing You Can Do To Stop It!
July 17, 2015
Submitted by Marshall Swing:
So, here we are in the doldrums of Summer, might as well be floating along in the Sargasso Sea with no wind at our sails, our hands aching even bleeding from rowing the oars and Chris keeps on saying tomorrow we’ll sight land… Where does he get his confidence? Is he insane?
Can you imagine how depressed a crew on the high seas can get with no air conditioning on a tiny boat, scorching hot, barely a place to get out of the shade and the captain trying to keep it together before they find the pot of gold and say “land ho”?
I can. I told people months ago it would be this way…
The Commercials are working for the elite who control governments and they want countries to sell their gold for cash so they can store it up all for themselves. They want the little people to give up as well when reward is only a few months around the corner so do not sell what you have no matter how bad it looks.
We know everything we see in the metal’s market and the other markets is fake!
It is contrived and manipulated for a reason and that reason is tied up in BRICS opening a development bank, Russia and China flexing their muscles in various places like the South China Sea, East China Sea, Africa, Ukraine, offering aid to Greece and Cyprus, and elsewhere, and many other countries harboring the notion that economic independence from the U.S. dollar is right around the corner, or in a basket of IMF currencies with China gaining reserve currency status.
Ain’t gonna happen, Asia. Fugget about it…
You second and third world countries have been economic slaves for decades, yea hundreds of years and there is no way under “god’s” (little g) green earth and blue skies you are going to usurp the elite who have held you in captivity for so long, meddled in your social affairs, forced GMOs down your throat and a whole host of chemicals that destroy your lands and your waters.
Fugget about it.
The Global Economic Crash is coming and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it and when the dust settles you will one day realize that you brought it all upon yourselves. If you had stayed the nice “yes Sir” minions you were supposed to stay and not have tried to thwart the will of Uncle Sam and the Queen then you could have had peace in your borders and been lulled totally to sleep by the Western music and media that changes the morals of your kids in mere weeks and urges on the decay of the values you used to hold so dear but find yourselves giving ground to Western thoughts and ideas rapidly i.e. the moral vacuum more and more every day. And if that is not enough, you get sued often in international courts so the West can enforce their rights on you in the world stage they created.
You elected leaders for economic gain rather than faithful leaders who cherished values who kept the peace and maintained a moral society. You sold the values of your ancestors for a pittance and now find yourselves in economic slavery and you want out of it. Too bad.
The Rest…HERE