Islamic Terror Attack On U.S. Soil Kills 4 Marines – And This Is Just The Beginning

Friday, July 17, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Michael Snyder
July 16th, 2015

The city of Chattanooga, Tennessee is in a state of shock. On Thursday, a heavily armed Islamic terrorist sprayed a Navy and Marine reserve center in Chattanooga with gunfire without any warning. Four U.S. Marines were killed, and three other individuals were seriously wounded. The shooter has been identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, and it is being reported that he used a “high-powered rifle” to conduct the assault. He did not survive the attack, and it is not clear if he even intended to. Authorities are investigating whether or not he had any connection to ISIS (which he almost certainly did), but nobody is disputing the fact that he was Muslim. Hopefully this horrific incident will serve as a huge wake up call for millions of Americans. Islamic terrorists are already here – and this is just the beginning of their reign of terror on U.S. soil.

In a previous article, I asked the following question: “Why Aren’t Americans Taking The ISIS Threat ‘To Drown All Of You In Blood’ Seriously?”

It is still a question that I am asking today. ISIS has made it very clear that they plan to kill as many of us as they possibly can. But most Americans seem very apathetic about this. Perhaps it is because they have been hearing about what a “threat” that “al-Qaeda” was for so many years and yet nothing ever seemed to actually happen.

And of course there are many liberals that have been trained that it is politically incorrect to even use the phrase “Islamic terror”. Following the lead of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other radical leftists, the only “terrorists” that they want to talk about are the “right-wing extremists” that they take great joy in persecuting.

Today’s shooting will hopefully shake many Americans out of their politically-induced comas. The threat of Islamic terror inside the United States is greater than it has ever been before.

All that “al-Qaeda” ever seemed to do was hide out in caves and release a poorly crafted propaganda message every once in a while. ISIS, on the other hand, is an entirely different animal. Every single day they are publicly committing some of the most vile atrocities imaginable, and they are successfully fighting a three front war against the Syrian government, the Iraqi government and the Kurds. Meanwhile, Islamic groups all over the planet are swearing allegiance to them, and their ranks are being swelled by an endless influx of eager new recruits.

Just today, a group affiliated with ISIS in Egypt hit an Egyptian Navy frigate with a guided missile. The reach and capabilities of this ruthless terror organization are both continually expanding, and what we just witnessed in Chattanooga today is just the tip of the iceberg.

So was Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez actually a member of ISIS?

The Rest…HERE

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