Mario Draghi’s “Keep Calm & Q€ On” ECB Press Conference – Live Feed

Thursday, July 16, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Tyler Durden

We suggest ECB President Mario Draghi has his work cut out for him today. As the entirely political catalyst for Greece’s crescendo-like bailout capitulation, he will – we hope – be questioned long and hard on his actions over the last 2 weeks (and going forward) with regard the increasingly 3rd world nation. As Bloomberg’s Richard Breslow notes, Draghi needs to help calm a still tense situation. The only way he can do this is with as much tranquility as he can muster, make sure everyone knows he is still prepared to do whatever it takes. It appears the markets (FX and equities for sure) are anticipating uber-dovishness and as we noted in the preview, he will likely crow of the lack of contagion from Greece, how well his tools have worked, and how Q€ is working… we wonder if the Greek reporters will be blocked from the press conference?

The Rest…HERE

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