Jade Helm and FEMA Camps Are Appearing In Every Modern Nation

Thursday, July 16, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
16 July, 2015

China’s stock market is failing along with the sell out of the Greek people and the collapse of their economy. In Greece, it is merely a matter of time until the entire country goes up in flames and results in a civil war. This is merely the tip of the iceberg. The “civilized world” as we know it, is in an undeniable economic meltdown.

With regard to the present set of economic circumstances, the pattern in history is always the same:

1. The government anticipates an economic meltdown. When they cannot spend their way out of the impending depression, they move to the next predictable step.
2. The government, fearful of civil unrest directed at them over the economic failures of their nation, begin to erase all civil liberties and frequently disarm the people in a move motivated by self-preservation. An unmistakable police state type of government emerges and the people live in fear.
3. Just prior to the economic collapse, government goon squads “remove” dissident leaders and others who may follow them. “See something, Say something” snitch, snatch and grab practices are enforced by the self-appointed Gestapo of that society. Frequently, a false flag event is carried out and is blamed on the targets of the purge, thus, gaining temporary acceptable from those citizens who just hope to be left alone.
4. When Jade Helm type of dissident leader extractions fail to quell the growing sense of public unrest, wholesale roundups and subsequent exterminations take place.
This four step descent into abject and genocidal tyranny is precisely where the modern nations are headed. All nations, in the modern era, will soon walk this path and produce the darkest days the planet has ever witnessed.

The emergence of secret police, the erasure of civil liberties, deaths squad executions of perceived dissident leaders, and mass roundups and executions of the masses of people that are no longer needed, or who will not comply, are carried out. America, ask yourself, what is the purpose of the NDAA and Executive Order 13603?

Spain and Italy Will Soon Go the Way of Greece

The Rest…HERE

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