Greek Debt Deal a Financial Coup-Rob Kirby…”If global bankers are allowed to get away with this, then this is what you can expect in your country real soon.”
By Greg Hunter
July 15, 2015
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby thinks that everybody should take notice of what is happening with the Greek debt crisis drama. Kirby contends, “What has occurred in Greece, make no mistake, it is a financial coup. It is not a bailout. It’s a takeover by force. The leader of Greece has obviously been told, and effectively has a gun to his head, the way it’s going to be. The Greek people voted for what they want, and we know what the Greek people’s wishes are, and they don’t want more austerity. They want to divorce themselves from the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB). We know that clear as day, but that is not acceptable to the global elitists and the globalist bankers. They have said we don’t really care what you think. It’s going to be the way we say. The rest of Europe should sit up and take note of this because there are other countries whose finances are also not in good shape, namely, Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. . . . If global bankers are allowed to get away with this, then this is what you can expect in your country real soon.”
So, is Greece the template for other counties around the world with extreme debt problems? Kirby says, “This is very aggressive, and to suggest this is a template for what’s going to be done in other countries is sort of like saying a mugging has a template. Muggings are very aggressive, nasty acts, and when you are being mugged, you have fight or flight reflexes. When you get into a dustup with anyone, how it is going to end is anybody’s guess. . . . It seems to me the bankers will use anything at their disposal, including threats and including offing people. This is a very nasty, nasty game. What is at stake here is world domination.”
What do central bankers fear? Kirby says, “What is in danger here is the integrity of fiat money. All these bonds are expressed in fiat terms. The euro is a fiat currency, just like the US dollar is a fiat currency. The reason why they can’t allow Greece out of the euro is because the European Union is a construct of globalists whose ultimate goal is a one-world government with a one-world currency. The rationale goes something like this: If you can’t manage and keep together the Eurozone, how can you possibly rationalize one-world government and bringing the rest of the world onto this platform? So, they must keep Greece in the union; otherwise, it would expose their globalist plan for being threadbare as it truly is. And they can’t allow the default or the restructuring of the Greek debt because following closely on a Greek restructuring would be requests from, Portugal, Spain, Italy and France, as well. In my view, this is unworkable. In my view, this whole euro concept and whole notion of one-world government and one-world currency is a dog that will not hunt in the end. We are starting to see concrete proof that this is indeed the case.”
Kirby’s view on the recent secret trade deal signed into US law by President Obama is well beyond dollar negative. Kirby contends, “I think it is humanity negative. It is very, very bad for humanity. Anything that is hidden from plain view cannot be very good for anybody. I think it is humanity negative. It goes much deeper than dollar negative. I think it is fiat regime negative. If we see the details of what is being negotiated behind the curtain, I think it would become very clear to an awful lot of people just how fragile, insolvent and how broken our financial system truly is. I think what they are trying to do is build a net under a failing edifice. I think they are trying to put a safety net in with these trade agreements. So, when the inevitable tripwires are hit, we don’t fall into an abyss. This is a fool’s errand. You cannot solve an issue of indebtedness by adding more debt. That is exactly, in a nutshell, what they are trying to do with Greece. They are trying to fix the Greek debt problem by giving them more debt, and that cannot be done.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Rob Kirby of