DANGER: Twin Crack-Ups Set To Implode The World Economy And Financial System

Thursday, July 16, 2015
By Paul Martin

July 16, 2015

Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events warned King World News about twin crack-ups that are set to implode the world economy and financial system.

Egon von Greyerz: “Eric, the outcome for Greece could not have been worse, but it was totally predictable as we discussed last week. The troika will now grab a major part of Greece’s assets, and the banks will be controlled by the EU and the ECB….

“There will also be massive austerity measures, which will guarantee that Greece has no chance of surviving economically because it will experience a vicious cycle of falling revenues, falling GDP and higher deficits. This will also mean another huge decline in the country’s standard of living.

The Rest…HERE

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