Greece Mattered To Hedge Fund Algos – Retail Sales Starting To Plunge
July 14, 2015
Submitted by PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:
Dr. Paul Craig Craig Roberts called it three days ago after if become obvious – via the IMF report on Greek debt – that the U.S. had started to flex its muscles in this situation:
Victoria Nuland has already paid a visit to the Greek prime minister and explained to him that he is neither to leave the EU or cozy up to the Russians or there will be consequences, polite language for overthrow or assassination. Indeed, the Greek prime minister probably knows this without need of a visit. – Paul Craig Roberts, LINK
The financial implications of a Greek default are obvious once you consider the off-balance-sheet OTC derivatives side of the equation. There’s no question that the biggest exposures to this have been incurred by Deutsche Bank (see the sudden firing of the CEO) and the big U.S. banks who dominate the OTC derivatives game.
But Dr. Roberts explains why Greece is important to the U.S. effort to keep NATO together. While the IMF functions as the cover-story for the financial terrorism the U.S. inflicts on the world (please read “Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man,” by John Perkins), NATO plays an even more important role for the U.S. in that it functions as a “front” for the mechanism by which the U.S. attempts to impose its military terrorism and political hegemony on the entire globe.
Meanwhile, the economic condition of the United States continues to deteriorate beneath the surface of the most reckless and wanton money printing and market intervention in the history of the world.
The Rest…HERE