Russia Considers US Nuclear Bomb Test ‘Open Provocation’

Monday, July 13, 2015
By Paul Martin

Russia is concerned that US’ recent nuclear bomb test may be carried out to examine the possibility of using the B61-12 nuclear bomb with NATO fighter-bombers stationed in Europe.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On July 1, the US National Nuclear Security Administration and the US Air Force conducted a flight test of an inactive B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb in Nevada.

The United States’ recent nuclear bomb test is a provocation, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Monday.
“The actions of the US side in the current situation are openly provocative, and are contrary to Washington’s stated desire for complete nuclear disarmament,” Antonov told reporters.

“In particular, the test was carried out using a F-15E fighter-bomber. This leads to believe that the test was carried out in order to examine the possibility of using the B61-12 nuclear bomb with NATO fighter-bombers stationed in Europe,” the deputy minister said.

The Rest…HERE

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