By: Devvy
July 12, 2015
I live in Big Spring (West) Texas between Midland and Lubbock. Much to the shock of many in our small town, in April we found out Big Spring will be a ‘Jade Helm 15’ exercise location.
In early May military helicopters started flying over my house here and there for about a week. I speculated they were looking at the terrain for training spots. Although, I guess according to this article I’m supposed to be terrorized:
Jade Helm Personnel Are Terrorizing Small Texas Communities: “Residents of Big Spring, Texas are reporting the “scary” sight of helicopters and tanks arriving in advance of Jade Helm, a military exercise that has prompted concerns amongst some that U.S. troops are preparing for civil unrest in America.”
I have not seen any tanks. Yet. Texans scared of a few helicopters flying over? It does happen every once in a while. About 90 miles south of here is San Angelo where Goodfellow AFB is located and 120 miles east of here is Abeline where Dyess AFB is located. We don’t swoon over a few helicopters.
We were not told about this ‘event’ until it was a done deal. While I wouldn’t say there was a revolt, some are upset and vocal about it; hard to guess how many. Our idiot mayor told the local rag newspaper military officials had negotiated contracts with local landowners to conduct Jade Helm 15 exercises. No landowners are being forced to have training on their property. Any training on public land was worked out with regional authorities. A couple of landowners were quoted in the newspaper saying they would refuse to allow any military exercises on their land – not even for money. Hard to say how many also took that position.
Many business owners here welcome Jade Helm as it’s estimated to bring in roughly $150,000 in revenues for this small town. A couple of residents interviewed said while they support our military they don’t want them here for training. The right answer.
The Rest…HERE