John Taylor: IMF Loans To Greece Bailed Out Banks And Worsened The Situation…”Greece can be described in one word:disaster.”

Friday, July 10, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Tyler Durden

Greece has already collapsed, and the only real question is whether the ECB will give Greek depositors time to withdraw some of the €120 billion in deposits it holds hostage with the frozen ELA, or if the ECB will admit the truth about the Greek insolvent banking system risking Eurozone contagion. A better question is just what is the purpose of the IMF whose intervention in Greece can be described in one word: disaster. It can also be described in eleven, as the creator of the Taylor Rule, John Taylor, has done in a blog post which can be summarized as follows: IMF Loans To Greece Bailed Out Banks And Worsened The Situation.

The Rest…HERE

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