Geoengineering proof? Scientists link jet trails to changes in local weather patterns

Friday, July 10, 2015
By Paul Martin

L.J. Devon
Friday, July 10, 2015

It’s not a conspiracy theory that the weather is being manipulated through the use of artificial clouds in the skies above. It’s more of a scientific fact now than ever before. Humans can change the weather and the temperature of a region using everyday jet exhaust persistently and at the right atmospheric conditions. When the conditions are right, the jet exhaust can form into cloud-like contrails. According to a team of Penn State geographers, these jet contrails can form into ice cloud trails that mimic normal clouds, reducing Earth’s surface temperature.

And now an influx of jet contrails in any region has been linked to reduction in temperature and changes in local weather patterns.

These small changes may explain the apparent rise in climate changes taking place on the earth, from region to region. On a grand scale, if contrails are lowering the surface temperature artificially over time, could this throw the balance of entire ecosystems off? Could this affect how atmospheric gases respond to changes? Could it change how the atmosphere regulates carbon dioxide and oxygen?

Contrails can form elevated ice cloud trails that influence temperatures on the ground

The Rest…HERE

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