Western doctors now euthanize patients as a ‘treatment’ for depression and psychiatric conditions

Thursday, July 9, 2015
By Paul Martin

by: L.J. Devon
Thursday, July 09, 2015

Claiming that she has wanted to die ever since childhood, a 24-year-old Belgian woman thinks that suicide is the only answer. This summer, she is getting help from her psychiatrist. The suicidal Belgian woman is about to receive, in her mind, the ultimate treatment for her psychological condition.

No, the psychiatrist isn’t going to help the woman cope with the voices in her head and the traumatic experiences she may be dealing with.

No, the psychiatrist isn’t going to help the woman conquer the conflict in her head to help her live a life of purpose.

Instead, the psychiatrist is encouraging Laura to end it all. The psychiatrist is giving Laura the option to end her life by euthanasia. This is how insane Western medicine and psychiatry has become. Doctors are now dishonorably viewing euthanasia as a “treatment” for depression and psychiatric conditions. People who feel they were born to take their own life are being accepted for who they are and allowed to commit suicide in a hospital setting.

Doctors now assisting suicidal patients to kill themselves

The Rest…HERE

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