The Real Reason the EU Is Finished
by Phoenix Capital Research
For three years now we’ve been repeatedly told that the Greek situation was “fixed.” Those were lies. And those lies have resulted in a gross misallocation of capital both financial and political.
From a macro perspective, anti-austerity/ anti-Euro political parties have seen a chance to capitalize on popular dissent. Simultaneously, pro-Euro groups have been forced deeper and deeper into the deception that somehow the Euro is a good thing for all involved. Distrust in politics and in the Euro is now higher than ever in Europe.
The impact of this will be severe. Europe as a whole is socialist with the percentage of the population employed by the Government ranging from 30% in Germany (the most free-market) to 56% in France (the most socialist).
You’re talking about a joint economy of $16 trillion in which 30%-56% of the population is employed b the Government and the Government is shredding democracy and the legal system. The cultural reactions will have financial repercussions for years to come.
The Euro has taken out its bull market trendline going back to 2003 (green line). It’s finding a little support at 105 but the chart suggests we’re going below parity to 85 or so in the coming months.
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