Flashback: Leaked document outlines U.S. Army plan for re-education of Americans inside prison camps
By Alex Thomas
July 9, 2015
In the last three months there has been a massive and seemingly unprecedented increase in military movements and urban military training throughout the country.
This increase coincided with the announcement of Jade Helm 2015 and has many wondering what the real reasons are for the massive realistic training exercise set to begin next week. (according to the mainstream media if you are a critic of Jade Helm you are a racist)
While there are many different compelling theories as to the real reasons behind Jade Helm, the most likely theory put forward so far is that the powers that be have realized the need to increase training for a martial law scenario in America due to some sort of impending collapse or civil unrest.
If that is the case, the next question would be what will this “martial law” scenario actually look like for everyday Americans? Luckily, (or perhaps unlucky depending on how you look at it) a U.S. Army document leaked in 2012 provides some startling context to what a “domestic civil support operation” will actually look like.
The document, entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations, was reportedly originally released on a restricted basis to the Department of Defense in 2010 and subsequently leaked online in late April 2012.
Spanning over 300 pages, the manual details numerous plans for placing citizens into internment camps both globally and inside the United States. Perhaps most shocking in the now public plan is the directive to use PSYOP officers on “political activists” within the prison camps to pacify them into appreciating U.S. government policies.
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