The Fuse Has Been Lit…” This is the start of capital controls. It’s no different from what China is doing. Just wait till they start lowering the gate on mutual funds…then banks….”
Dave Kranzler
Wednesday, July 8th
Yesterday the US Mint runs out of silver eagles. Of course, the US Mint/Govt was the last one to announce the news. Everyone in the alternative media/blogosphere heard about it through silver eagle dealers who heard about it from their US mint approved participant supplies (A-mark, etc).
Then today the news hits that all trading on the NYSE is “suspended” due to a “technical glitch.” Just overlook the fact that the trading halt occurred just as the the entire stock market was about do an “elevator shaft” plunge. Funny that – the market never seems to “break” or incur a “technical glitch” when the stock market is spiking higher in inexorable parabolic fashion on some bogus economic report.
If you want to see what an elevator shaft plunge looks like when a “breakage” or “glitch” is not imposed on a market, look no further than what happened to silver yesterday:
The Rest…HERE