Harbingers of the Coming Crisis: Signals, Triggers & Opportunities- Deepcaster

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
By Paul Martin

July 8, 2015

The “Thin” Liquidity in the Sovereign Bond Market in recent weeks and the ensuing Panic, are only two of Several Harbingers of The Coming Crisis.
Below we summarize here Key Crisis Signals, Triggers and consequent Opportunities.

Submitted by Deepcaster:

“Liquidity Loss Flashes are Harbingers of Crashes.”

Deepcaster, 06/22/2015

“There’s not a lot of depth in the Market right now.”

Jim Combias, Treasuries Trading Manager,
Mizuho Securities, 06/19/15


Reminds Deepcaster of The Old Saying “Liquidity dries up just when you need it Most.”

Yes, the “Thin” Liquidity in that Sovereign Bond Market in recent weeks and the ensuing Panic, are only two of Several Harbingers of The Coming Crisis. (See “Maximizing Gains & Wealth Protection from The Coming Crisis,” in Articles at Deepcaster.com.)

So we summarize here Key Crisis Signals, Triggers and consequent Opportunities.

The Fundamental Problem has been caused mainly by The Private, For-Profit Fed and other Mega-Central Banks themselves. They have kept Rates artificially so low and thus (with the help of QE) Equities etc. artificially High that the World is awash both in Excess Debt and in Bubbles.

And now the Debts can not be repaid (and the Bubbles will Burst) and Greece is only the First of many Casualties to come. Consider Puerto Rico, Portugal, Spain, Italy… and Chicago!!

The Rest…HERE

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