Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?
by AMY S.
JULY 7, 2015
So what exactly is an “Economic Collapse”?
In proper context, it would be a complete breakdown of our national and regional (more than likely global) economies. It is basically a severe economic depression, where an economy is in complete distress for years or possibly even decades. The Great Depression is a decent example of an economic collapse. In 1929, the stock market crashed after amazing growth (and manipulation) and it destroyed the economy. This brought about unemployment to the tune of 24% – possibly 25%, high levels of poverty and it lasted for many years. You can always pin-point an economic collapse by a few specific factors. These events are characterized by extremely high unemployment, excessively high poverty levels, and bouts of civil unrest. The scary element of this is the fact that desperate people do desperate things.
Causes of these events range from market manipulation, hyperinflation, deflation, bubbles bursting, stagflation and basic financial-market crashes. Of course, these headings have their own extensive lists of causing factors such as out of control debt and currency devaluation. Sometimes, a simple drop in consumer confidence can get the ball rolling. Of course, we are already witnessing much of this and anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention has undoubtedly heard these terms as of late.
There are some that believe that government intervention may be necessary to bring an economy back from collapse. Some believe that government intervention is the last thing that should be done. Still, some believe that an economic upheaval is only corrected after the war that inevitably follows. After the Great Depression for example, the government created many programs building roads, buildings, bridges, etc., to get people working while also building national infrastructure. Did this fix the economy? What we know for sure is that it brought about substantially larger government in the end, which in many ways just perpetuated the cycle. Then what happened? World War II and the end of the Depression. Maybe they are all right.
As you can see, it is not hard to imagine why or how we got here or where we might be heading. It’s also not hard to imagine why people are starting to see things the way I do. After all, retail sales continue to fall, retail closures are happening in droves, layoffs are ever-present with more on the way, and home ownership continues to decline. Oddly enough, the businesses that appear to be doing alright are the ones that cater to the lower income families. In fact, let’s get a little more in depth on this.
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