Paul Craig Roberts – A Shocking Behind The Scenes Look At What Is Now Unfolding In Greece
July 07, 2015
With people around the world worried about the escalating crisis in Greece and conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, exposes a shocking behind the scenes look at what is now unfolding in Greece.
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Former U.S. Treasury Official
July 7 (King World News) – I doubt that there will be a Greek exit….
The Greek referendum, in which the Greek government’s position easily prevailed, tells the troika (EU Commission, European Central Bank, IMF, with of course Washington as the puppet master) that the Greek people support their government’s position that the years of austerity to which Greece has been subjected has seriously worsened the debt problem. The Greek government has been trying to turn the austerity approach into reforms that would lessen the debt burden via a rise in employment, GDP, and tax revenues.
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