Where’s Your Place in Jade Helm—Mastering the Human Domain

Sunday, July 5, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Catherine J. Frompovich
Sunday, July 5, 2015

After viewing this YouTube about how humans will become “nodes” in the GeoNet the controllers are in the process of casting over the entire human race, maybe you, like me, will become totally disillusioned with technology and how it is used to control humans rather than help us! Take specific notice of how Internet social networks will be utilized. The last few moments of the video are unsettling, to say the least.

May I suggest your taking note of Activity Based Intelligence (ABI), plus the role of Presidential Executive Orders, especially President Obama’s PEO 13684, and how humankind will live under the surveillance of Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain, which means anything that affects humans—anything and everything—from here on out, until their goals are met.

The term, “Mastering the Human Domain,” reveals to us that Jade Helm 15 is more than just a military exercise, it’s also an exercise of the new field in geo-spatial intelligence using human domain analytics to map the politics and thoughts of any nation, state, city, right down to the individual. [1]

JADE HELM 15 stands for “Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution,” “Homeland Eradication of Local Militants,” “2015.” JADE “is actually a software program that was initiated by the Pentagon for the rapid distribution of logistic support.” [2]

The Rest…HERE

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