NASA Scientist Predicts Food Riots, Mass Deaths And Super Earthquakes Due To Extreme Cold 30 Yr Period.

Sunday, July 5, 2015
By Paul Martin
JULY 4, 2015

If you think the last few days of record setting snow and cold in Parts of upstate New york is just a freak event, than your not going to like what I am about to tell you. According To NASA Scientist/Climatologist John Casey that is just the beginning of what is to come during this next 30 yr cycle of Extreme cold which will be caused by a historic decline in the Suns energy output that will impact the entire world.

If Casey Is right, than not only will a mass number of the worlds people die by freezing and starving to death due to the extreme cold killing 50 percent of the worlds food supply, but you can also expect Super earthquakes, and more powerful volcanic eruptions across the globe.

The Rest…HERE

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