Climate Change: Is a Deadly Ice Age on the Horizon?
by Selwyn Duke
01 July 2015
The last ice age ended approximately 12,000 years ago, and since then we’ve been enjoying a pleasantly warm “interglacial period.” But given that an interglacial may last only 12,000 years, we’re confronted with a scary prospect: Another ice age may be nigh.
And this could have devastating effects on mankind.
So says atmospheric and space physics expert S. Fred Singer, professor emeritus at the University of Virginia and a founding director of the Science & Environmental Policy Project. While he has never been worried about global warming — emphasizing that climate alarmists’ predictions have been consistently wrong — he writes at American Thinker today that he has “recently become quite concerned about ice ages and the dangers they pose to humans on our planet — and indeed to most of terrestrial ecology.” In fact, he’s so concerned that he proposes we try to mitigate any cooling that may occur.
Professor Singer cites a manuscript written by a co-author of his, Dennis Avery, which documents the historic causes of civilizational collapse. Its conclusion, Singer reports, is that “cold periods and droughts appear to be the main dangers to agriculturally based societies in all regions of the world.” Of course, this is just common sense. Plants don’t grow very well in deserts or during Northeast winters.
But what if it were winter year ’round? The effects would be striking. As Singer tells us, there have been nearly 20 major glaciations “in the past two to three million years. The coolings are quite severe: the most recent one, ending only about 12,000 years ago, covered much of North America and Europe with miles-thick continental ice sheets and led to the disappearance of (barely) surviving bands of Neanderthalers; they were displaced by the more adaptable Homo Sapiens.”
While Singer says that most experts believe the next glacial period lies just on the horizon, the exact timing is unknown; one scientist claims it may be delayed by another 40,000 years. It’s more than just major ice ages that imperil us, however. As Singer also informs, “There are two kinds of ice ages; they are fundamentally different…: (i) Major (Milankovich-style) glaciations occur on a 100,000-year time-scale and are controlled astronomically. (ii) “Little” ice ages were discovered in ice cores; they have been occurring on an approx. 1000-1500-yr cycle and are likely controlled by the Sun. The current cycle’s cooling phase may be imminent.”
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