Big Brother “Pay-by-the-Mile” Track and Tax Driving Scheme Being Rolled Out Now!
JULY 3, 2015
It’s here. We’re finally starting to see the electronic big brother control grid of the technocrats’ wildest dreams being rolled out. Because the gas tax is no longer viable, you know, what with all the fuel-efficient hybrids and electric cars on the roads out there. Now the only possible solution the system and its minions can apparently come up with is to track us all everywhere we go and tax us for each and every mile we drive.
Classic problem — reaction — solution.
Although this is starting on a volunteer basis in Oregon, they are beta testing it before it becomes mandatory. Some 28 other states are currently working on similar plans, and the federal government has its own nationwide version as well. As we’ve said before, it’s like we’re living in the period just before every dystopic future movie you’ve ever seen (in this case, “In Time” immediately comes to mind).
According to the official Oregon DOT website (, this is “a fair and sustainable way to fund road maintenance, preservation and improvements for all Oregonians.”
The Rest…HERE