US Spying on France’s Government: NSA-French Flap Confirms “Euro-Servility”
By Ulson Gunnar
Global Research
July 04, 2015
For those who labor under the misguided delusion that Europe defines its own destiny independently, no clearer wake up call could have been given than the latest US-French spying scandal. It is a wake up call not because of revelations that the United States has been spying on the French government, but because the French government, like its neighbor Germany who was also a victim of US spying, has predictably let the matter drop with no apparent repercussions for the perpetrators.
Time magazine, recognized widely as a mouthpiece of the US State Department, essentially gloated in its article, “Why the U.S.-France Spying Scandal Will Quickly Blow Over,” that European dependence on the US economically and militarily is so deep and unswerving, that no violation of Europe’s sovereignty could endanger “relations.” By relations, of course, Time means US primacy and European servility.
Time used words like “the free world” to describe what is essentially the Western World. However, one must strain to associate “freedom” with what is apparently a global power violating the privacy of every nation on the planet, including its own, closest allies.
Shameless Politicians, Shameless Business Community?
It is no secret that politics in the West is determined almost exclusively by special interests in industry and finance. Industry and finance underwrites and are the primary beneficiaries of most of the Western governments’ foreign and domestic policy. This is particularly the case when foreign military interventions are launched, and whether successful or not, bring these interests immense whirlwinds of wealth.
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