Any Day, Russia Will Launch a Three Pronged Invasion of the United States

Saturday, July 4, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
04 July, 2015

In the final days of Jade Helm, or in Jade Helm’s successor, Russian troops will be introduced to the drill gone live, and will carry out their mandates against the American people with a vengeance. They will also serve as a buffer against American military forces which would act in defense of their Constitutional oath in defense of the American people.

In Part One, I detailed how Russia is poised to invade the United States through a largely undefended Alaska and then down the West coast. In Part Two, the Russian military build up at the North Pole will lead to an invasion of the United States on a second front and as Russian troops will sweep through Canada and passed the northern border into the United States.

In this continuous blitzkrieg action against the American people, an invasion of our Southern underbelly will commence in a “Red Dawn” fashion.

During the lifespan of the Obama administration, Obama and his minions have purposely ignored the buildup of a Russian military alliance with former U.S. allies in Central and South America. This alliance, also connected to the BRICS will compromise the vanguard of an invading army which will cross the border the into the American southwest and across the Gulf of Mexico into the Gulf States region.

The Rest…HERE

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