X22 Report: The U.S. Driven Fake Economy Is Ready To Collapse
90% of IMF Greek debt bailout went directly to the banks not to the people.
Russia is getting involved saying let Greece decide on their own.
S&P reports if Greece leave the Euro GDP will fall by 20%, most
likely it will be the opposite and rise by 20%.The central bankers are
crushing Greece so other countries will not follow. The EU now calling
for Tspiras resigning and a new government. Unemployment falls to 5.3%,
more people are are out of the workforce. Manufacturing jobs have been
replaced with bartender and waitress jobs.Manufacturing signaling a
depression. Obamacare adds 1 trillion to the US debt.The FBI and DHS
still reporting a major threat this 4th of July but have no facts to
back up what they are saying.