Hillary Clinton won’t release her personal medical records, but Obamacare keeps YOUR medical records forever!
by: J. D. Heyes
Friday, July 03, 2015
Consider it another case of the governing elite playing by a set of rules different from the ones they impose on the rest of us, further tearing asunder the uniquely American founding principle of “government of, for and by the people.”
In an astounding act of hubris, in recent days the campaign manager for Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton said that she would not commit to releasing her health records at some point during the 2016 election campaign.
During a Face the Nation episode, host John Dickerson noted that she “had a big health scare when she was secretary of state” before asking campaign manager Robby Mook, “Will she release her medical records as part of this campaign?”
“I will let Hillary decide that,” Mook replied. “But I can tell you she has been hitting the campaign trail hard.”
Prior recent injury makes health questions relevant
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