Domestic slave camps authorized in government documents! This time it’s roundups of any opposition to their rule

Friday, July 3, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Lisa Haven
July 2, 2015

Don’t fool yourself into believing that the Supreme Court will never again allow a wartime violation of civil rights like it did in allowing internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II, those are the powerful words of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in his address to law students at the University of Hawaii and they couldn’t portray a more honest truth about where we are headed in the near future.

Governments have often displayed their true nature when times of war loomed on the horizon. Today is no different. We too are on the brink of major events.

World War III is literally seconds away and talks of civil uprisings abound—both of which could potentially lead to a another phase of internment labor camp roundups here in America.

The video below proves through official government documentation that labor camps are about to unfold again.

“Once bright and shining in her youth, truly a land of the free and home of the brave, today’s mature America still stands straight but is slightly tarnished, with tears in her eyes, as she looks at a fast approaching future as “land of the enslaved and home of the indentured”…”

The Rest…HERE

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